If entering via the check-in auto flow, from the insurance window click on the Norton button and select ‘New Insurance’ make sure Patient is highlighted. If entering insurance via patients chart click on the
button on the top left corner of the ‘Patients Demographics’ tab. The patient information window will display, select the ‘Insurance’ button at bottom of the screen.
**Note** If the patient has insurance through guardian or spouse ensure that person is highlighted and select ‘New Insurance’.
‘Payer Lookup’ window will display. Type the name of the payer then select ‘Find’. Double click the desired insurance to select.
The Insurance Maintenance window will appear. Verify all is correct (correct insurance that is tied). Enter all required fields in RED.
Select the ‘Ins Cards’ tab to scan in insurance card. Click on the Norton button and select the ‘New Insurance Card’.
The scanning window will display. Click on the Norton button and select ‘Acquire’ once card is in scanner.
**Note** Make sure select double sided if card has needed information on back of card.
Click on the ‘Elig/Referral’ tab. Click on ‘Eligibility Inquiry’ to run eligibility. If entered the required fields from the ‘Detail’ tab then your request should be successful, click ‘OK’.