This training material is a review of validating and importing patients vaccines that are reported from CAIR (California Immunization Records).
Topics Covered:
- Create clinical encounter
- Validate patient/search patient
- Clinical Reconciliation
- Validate EHR vs. CAIR
- Confirm/Import
Create Clinical Encounter
1. After opening the patient chart, make sure to select patients PCP before creating a new encounter.
2. If no documentation needs to be added, open orders module.
Validate patient/search patient
1. After opening the orders module, click on the 'Immunizations' tab.
2. Click on the 'Reconcile' to open the patient lookup window.
3. Patient lookup window will appear. Validate if which (if more than one) patient listed at the bottom grid.
4. Highlight the patient and click the 'Accept' button to open the clinical reconciliation window.
Clinical Reconciliation
1. After selecting the 'Accept' on the patient lookup, the clinical reconciliation window will appear.
2. The 'Import' tab will open to display EHR vaccine entry and the import list of vaccines to enter into the patients EHR chart.
Validate EHR vs. CAIR
1. Validate from the Import grid and decide what ACTION is being done for the vaccine.
2. On selected vaccine, click in action box to display picklist.
Ignore: If the selected vaccine IS already documented in patients chart, and don't want to create a duplicate, select ignore.
Add: If the selected vaccine is NOT in the patient's chart, select add as an action to import into the chart.
Replace: If the selected vaccine IS in the patient's chart, BUT has a DIFFERENT date in the Import grid, selecting replace will replace that vaccine information with the vaccine currently in the patient's chart.
Confirm and Import
1. After selecting actions for vaccines, click the confirm button at the bottom of the window.
2. Selected vaccines with the 'Add' and 'Replace' actions will show in the patient's immunizations record.