
This training material is a review of how to enter past pap results and diagnostics, as well as how to enter any treatment that was performed.

Topics Covered:

  • Accessing template
  • Pap Screenings
  • Diagnostic/Treatment

Accessing Template

1. After opening the patient chart and performing the 4-point check, click the OBGYN Details blue text link to open the OBGYN synopsis template.

2. Click the 'Add/Update Detail' button to open the Pap and HPV Details template.

Pap Screenings

1. After opening template, click on the pap screenings panel to open.

2. Enter the pap screening date. Check the 'Approx. screening date' if the date is not exact. 

3. click in the pap 'Screening performed' box to display picklist to select from.

Note: After selecting procedure, the code will be entered in the procedure code box.

4. Under the 'Pap Results' section, check all that apply. If selected, the 'Other' text box will open for entry.

5. Under the 'HPV Details' section check all that apply. If selected, the 'Other' text box will open for entry. The comment box is available to enter additional comments.

6. After entry, click Add to Grid button.

Diagnostic/ Treatment

1. Select the date if the patient received diagnostic/treatment. Check the 'Approximate performed date' box if date is not exact. 

2. Under the 'Diagnostic/Treatment performed' section check all that apply. The 'Other' box the comment type box will open. 

Note: A comment box is available for additional comments.

3. After entry, click the 'Add to Grid' button.