From the ‘Allergies’ panel click on the ‘Update’ button.
The Allergies window will appear. Click on the button next to the ‘Allergy’ field. The Allergy
search window will display. Type in the allergy you wish to add. To better
search you may select any from the filter selections. Double click on the desired
item or highlight and click ‘OK’.
After selecting your allergy, select the drop down arrow from the ‘Severity’ box document severity.
Then select the drop down arrow to select the ‘Reactions’ to document reactions for this allergy. If more than one reaction exists, select the ‘’Add Additional Reaction’ button.
If needed you can enter ‘Allergy Comment’ (free text)
Click on the ‘Add’ button on the right side when completed entering all fields for the allergy. The Allergy will show on the grid.